Death's Embrace amongst the Stars

As I watch the Norns slowly go insane, I'm startled by the sudden appearance of a fiery orange gal in between Fifi and Rupert. Good news! A slap-happy Tolerance has broken both of them from their starvation induced trance. After smacking each other around, Rupert is back to exploring and Fifi has laid another egg. Unfortunately, they're still at risk. If they don't get some food into their systems soon, they could still drop from hunger at any given moment...

Also apparently starving himself to death is our little Zebra friend, Marty, whose wanderlust has gotten him into a sticky situation in the Jungle. With no food in sight, and no Norns, slap-happy or otherwise, to snap him out of his stupor. Though the next death is not his. I'm taken back to the Bridge, and my suspicions were confirmed. Fifi's last pregnancy took a serious toll on her already starved body. She used her last breath of life to bring her egg into the world. The poor girl just couldn't handle it all. Farewell, dear Fifi. You will be missed...

Though I'm not surprised when I'm greeted with another death. Alas, Marty has joined Fifi in death. The Jungle was not kind to his weakened system. Poor Marty... May your Nornish soul find peace. Not a minute later, I am greeted with a third death. Stella has given in to starvation also. She sadly mistook the Medicine Vendor for a food vendor and spent her last minutes of life feverishly pushing it. Goodbye Stella, be at peace.

Things seem to have dropped to a lull. Bubbles and Jewels are bonding in the Norn Terrarium, Tom is thriving in the Desert, Davidson is the only one left in the Meso since Nice teleported to the Jungle... Though the lull was shattered by yet another death. Sadly, Rupert soon followed suit and he too has passed on. Our brave little Bondi boy put up with several violent females, Eat Elevator Syndrome, and severe starvation before his resilient little heart gave out. Rest in peace, little dude...

Woe! Fate has not been kind to the poor Norns today! Just when I thought it couldn't possibly get worse... Dear little Tom has been enjoying his new life in the Desert, but sadly, he got a bit to curious and ventured into the pond after some Ettin eggs... Poor Tommy boy has drowned! Alas, Nice ventured in after him, and promptly fell asleep. He quickly drowned as Tom did... Be at peace, little ones...

Great grumbling Grendels, this is just depressing! Another tragic death. Even our mother of many, Tolerance, was not safe from death's cruel sting. I find her curled up beside the lift buttons, having just attempted to take a ride up to the ice cream maker. Poor girl... As I watch her body slowly fade away in a shimmering cloud, I start to suspect she too succumbed to starvation. Farewell, dear Magma mama. You will be forever remembered.

I am astonished as to what happened next! I check back on Bubbles and Jewels, and I see Bubbles use one of the hidden Random Teleporters. Somehow, Bubbles has transported herself into deep space! Upon further investigation, it seems she's caught in the space between the two airlocks. I'm shocked when she disappears in a cloud of smoke, leaving behind no trace she was ever there. Spunky little Bubbles has braved the depths of the Jungle, survived infections of both Glycotoxin and Macrobacteria, and even rescued herself from drowning. She has now made her final journey, coming to rest among the stars. Goodbye Bubbles! May your spirit dance amongst the stars forever more!

Only two Norns remain in the world. It's between Davidson and Jewels now. Who will survive?

*Bubbles (F Bruin) - GirlySatan
*Nice (M Chichi) - OctoberFlash
*Jewels (F Painted Chichi) - Grendel Man
*Marty (M Zebra) - Puddini
*Martha (F Bengal) - Charity
*Tigger (M Treehugger) - Rascii
*Stella (F Astro) - Panda-mist
*Tom (M Fallow) - Emma
*FiFi (F Siamese) - magpie-angel

*Davidson (M Harlequin) - spykkie
*Tolerance (F Magma) - Odul
*Rupert (M Bondi) - kezune


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